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【第10回初心者将棋講座】反則について -Breach of the rules【Shogi Session for Beginners #10】

-Breach of the rules【Shogi Session for Beginners #10】


There are some rules in Shogi.
Breaking the rules is that you lose the game.
Let’s keep them in your mind!

①「二歩 (Ni-fu) 」-“2 Pawns”


You cannot place more than 2 Pawns
on the same vertical line, although it is no problem on the horizontal line.

②「行き場のない駒」-“Pieces which can’t move”



You cannot drop or move your pieces to the square where they cannot move anymore.

③「打ち歩詰め (Uchi-fu-Dume)」-“Drop Pawn Mate”


持ち駒の歩を打って相手の王様を詰ませるのは、 反則です。
しかし、盤上の歩を動かして詰ませるのは 問題ありません。

You cannot drop or move your pieces
to the square where they cannot move anymore.

④「連続王手の千日手 (Sennichi-te)」-“Making perpetual check 4 times”




“Sennichi-te” is repeating the same situation 4 times. Normally it will end in a draw.
However, only when checking the King, if you check the King consecutively and have the same situation 4 times (Sennichi-te), those who checking the King lose the game.